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Difference between WIN7 and XT

Started by J.Beck, October 26, 2011, 10:21:24 am

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I developped an application which uses WINUSB to communicate with USB devices. On the WIN7 machine all is working perfect.
On the XP machine (i tested two different machines under XP), i get an error in the routine TnrWinUsbApi.Open.
The createFile in TnrWinUsbApi.Open fails with an error 123 (ERROR_INVALID_NAME: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect), but the parameter nameSymbolic seems to be ok. The driver installation runs without any issues.

I have no idea, what could be wrong.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards



the problem is solved: I used the TnrUsbDevice.NameSymbolic to open the TnrWinsUsbApi manually. Under WIN7 this works, but under XT this gives an error. I checked the internal code of the components and found that the head of the NameSymbolic has to be changed from /??/ to //./ before it can be used has parameter of TnrWinUsbApi.Open.
After that the error under XT is gone.

Best regards

Roman Novgorodov


Thank you for your information.
We will check this situation.

Roman Novgorodov
DeepSoftware LLC
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