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WildChar in PacketStart and PacketEnd

Started by thorsten, November 07, 2018, 08:43:59 am

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i use the Version 9.38 of nrComm.

How can i use the WildChar in the PacketBegin or in the PacketEnd.

I had try this, but this does not work!

    nrDataProcessor1.DataPackets.Items[2].Caption:= 'POLL';
    nrDataProcessor1.DataPackets.Items[2].PacketBegin:= CHAR($10)+CHAR($02)+'*'+CHAR($4E);
    nrDataProcessor1.DataPackets.Items[2].PacketLength:= 8;

We have the same problem with some variable Packets, at the PacketEnd we have $10 + $03 + CheckSumeByte1 + CheckSumeByte2
For the CheckSumeByte1 and CheckSumeByte2 we need the WildChar Function.


Roman Novgorodov

November 07, 2018, 09:11:34 am #1 Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 09:16:12 am by Roman Novgorodov

I see a small error. Please change this line


to this:


If it will not help, please download latest  trial version 9.50 and check with it.

Roman Novgorodov
DeepSoftware llc
DeepSoftware llc - The professional components for Delphi/CBuilder/.NET. The high quality custom software development.
Forums.nrCommLib.Com - DeepSoftware Tech Support Forum.



yes, this was the problem  :-[

Thank you :-D



it is strange, from time to time this works with the WildChar and often not.

Roman Novgorodov


You need to log all incoming data and post here dump of bytes that are detected wrong.
Also you can create a simple demo project and give me sources with sample of incoming data stream.

Roman Novgorodov
DeepSoftware llc
DeepSoftware llc - The professional components for Delphi/CBuilder/.NET. The high quality custom software development.
Forums.nrCommLib.Com - DeepSoftware Tech Support Forum.