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nrComAfterReceive - Number of received bytes reported - not consistent

Started by Francois, August 06, 2020, 05:18:18 am

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The number of received bytes reported by OnAfterReceived event is not consistent. When receiving standard frame of 8 bytes on RS485 network the event reported 20% of times incorrectly. When using other commercial software on the computer to detect the received frame, it was confirmed that the number of bytes is consistent 8 bytes

nrCommLib version V9.33
Development environment : Delphi RadStudio XE2

procedure TForm2.nrComAfterReceive(Com: TObject; Buffer: Pointer;
  Received: Cardinal);
  Rs : String;
  i : byte;

  Label3.Caption := IntToStr(Received);
  for i:=0 to Received-1 do
      Rs:=Rs+IntToStr(Byte(PAnsiChar(Buffer)))+' ';

   Label1.Caption := Rs;


Roman Novgorodov


The nrComAfterReceive raises from thread that monitors incoming buffer of serial port.
It is not loop with fixed delay like in your old slow commercial software.

TnrComm monitor thread provides highest speed of the incoming data processing.

Some more info you can see here:


Roman Novgorodov
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